Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pre-wedding Dates

We know that planning a wedding can sometimes be overwhelming! But, it's important not to lose sight of what's really important, and that's celebrating the love and life of two people just beginning their journey together. In honor of a lifetime of great memories to come, here are a few fun ways to spend quality time with your beau or belle while preparing for your wedding day:

Take a cooking class together

Committing a couple of hours to cooking with someone you love is a great way to relax and enjoy each other's company, while learning something you can take forward with you into your life together.

Check out The Glendalia's Cooking Class CalendarThe Learning Kitchen, and Jungle Jim's for openings!

Do-It-Yourselves Project

Working on something together is a great way to remind you both of what you love about your fiancé. Little projects can help showcase your partner's strengths and create sweet memories. There's only one rule: whether it's painting a bird house or planting a tree in the front yard, make sure to take pictures of your work and send them to us at The Center! ;)

Play "Tourists" in your own town

Whether you were both born and raised in the place you call home, or you're new to town, it can be a lot of fun to let your city surprise you! Pick out a couple of "attractions," pack a bag, and set out to explore and take tons of cheesy photos for an afternoon.

Find Water

If you're like us and you live in Cincinnati, this shouldn't be too difficult! Find a body of water, natural or man-made and spend an afternoon fishing, sunbathing, swimming, or kayaking with your fiancé!

Train for a Race Together

Cincinnati is home to some of the most amazing walks and races! You can sign up for anything from a 5K to a full marathon, and training together is the perfect way to make sure you both look your very best when you're posing for pics at The Center on your wedding day.

Write A Song

Maybe, even as you read this, a love ballad has already started to write itself in your mind. Or...maybe a parody of a popular song is more your speed! Either way, write a song with your fiancé; whether you keep it to yourselves, dance to it in your kitchen, or sing it at your wedding, music is a fun, free way to bring you closer and get you laughing.

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