Monday, August 20, 2012

M is for Makeup

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Pre-Wedding Considerations:

1. Do you want to hire a professional makeup artist, or do you want to do it yourself?
     For tips on how to hire a wedding makeup artist: CLICK HERE.

2. If you are prone to breakouts, you may want to schedule an appointment with your dermatologist three to four months prior to the wedding.

3. Schedule your facial at least two weeks before the wedding, if you would like to have that done.

4. Have your eyebrows done five to seven days before the wedding - definitely be sure to avoid plucking your eyebrows the day of!

5. Schedule a pre-wedding consultation three to five weeks before the wedding. Following the same principle we applied to your wedding hair, (CLICK HERE to see the post) practice makes perfect! Whether you hire a professional or do it yourself, it is a good idea to schedule time to meet with the makeup artist or go on your own to a cosmetic store. Buy your products and begin practicing approximately three months in advance. Invest in quality products - you want the look to last!

6. Keep your complexion in mind as you choose your shades of makeup. Also, take into consideration the time of year and your wedding colors and theme. Make sure that you are comfortable with the makeup. You want to look your best, but you don't want to look like a different person. For tips on choosing your makeup colors: CLICK HERE.

7. Staying hydrated is important for a healthy, radiant look. Drink plenty of water leading up to your wedding!

Picture from

Wedding Day Considerations:

1. Start with a clean face!
2. Wear a button down shirt so that you don't mess up your makeup as you change into your dress. You may also want to cover your face with a towel to avoid getting makeup on the dress.
3. If you'll be outdoors for the wedding - apply sunscreen first!
4. If your worst nightmare becomes a reality and you wake up with a blemish...
     Step 1 - Don't panic!
     Step 2 - Apply a drop of visene to reduce the redness.
     Step 3 - Use a concealer to cover the spot.
     Step 4 - Apply foundation. Crisis averted. Continue living the day you dreamed!
5. Have some powder nearby in case you need to do any touch ups throughout the day.

Makeup Tips:

Apply a primer before adding your foundation to extend the length of time your makeup will last.

     Use a creamy foundation for dry to normal skin. For oily skin, use a powder foundation.
     Concealer is also an option. It helps to cover any spots or redness and there are more available color options to help you match your skin tone. To make your concealer last longer, mix it with a drop of foundation before applying to your face.
     Blot the foundation after application in order to remove any excess oil. Follow with lightweight, oil free powder for a long-lasting effect.

     It's your wedding day - don't hesitate to shine! Use shimmer eyeshadow to brighten your eyes. Pale gold or silver tones are perfect for achieving this look.
     An eyelid primer will make your eyeshadow last longer.
     Adding white shadow to your brow bone, directly underneath your eyebrow, and in the inside corners will highlight your eyes.
     Be sure to use waterproof mascara!

     Use a brush that is the same size as the apple of your cheek to add a light peach or pink blush to highlight the cheekbones.

     If your lips are cracked, a layer of foundation will help fill them in.
     For the lips, first apply a lip base or chapstick.
     Use a light to medium lipstick (or a darker shade if you're comfortable with that).
     Finish off the look with a lip gloss for an extra shine.

For mistakes to avoid: CLICK HERE

For these tips, videos and more, visit these sites: Knot for Life, Makeup and Beauty Blog and Ezine.

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